some problem with Boolean Union and Fillet

 From:  Michael Gibson
1767.13 In reply to 1767.12 
Hi Ed,

> Would changing MoI to make the two types of lines
> different colors be a solution?

I'm not sure about that... It is tough to come up with colors that people will attach meaning to. If you see a bunch of different colors and you don't really have a meaning to attach to them, it doesn't really solve the fundamental problem very well.

Because of that, I've kind of tried in general to keep using colors down to a kind of minimal level that have more distinct meanings, like yellow = selected is pretty straightforward.

But I don't think it would be a bad idea to have an option to have them displayed in different colors if you want, I mean if you do know what those colors mean then that could indeed be helpful.

Also though, I want to support the ability to change colors on different objects as a way for you to separate them into different groups for your own kind of labeling purposes... That's another reason why I have kind of stayed away from using too many colors for the "system" because it then tends to get confused with your own coloring schemes.

One of the first steps that will help out with this is the properties panel that I want to do which will show up to show you some information about the selected objects. So I'll probably wait and see how that works first before really doing more in this particular area.

- Michael