How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  BurrMan
1749.44 In reply to 1749.43 
You forgot. Poor old Danny was fired!

The Genius Burr, who realizes that there are more than ONE tool to do the job and utilizing the BEST tool for the job at hand, went back and did the actual job with NX. See, the point was, NX isnt the best tool for everything, Having a toolset is Smart. MoI would have been the tool to use in Mr. CHeddars office while he was presenting, then to show INSTANT results while in the meeting. Poor Danny never made it to the meeting. He was trying to pack up his workstation to use NX to show he can build Complicated full processed workflows.

I am surely a novice. However, the original discussion wasnt that MoI can replace ALL OTHER design packages. No ONE design package can DO IT ALL! Even the most clouded intelligence can surely see that.

And as for how fast you could make the same part I made. I would love to see you at your workstation, nothing open, and Michael at his, and see who finished their part first.