How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  Bogdan
Hi Steve and Michael,

Thanks for taking your time to reply to this thread.
The reason I have started this thread is that I wanted to know more about building complex models using nurbs and I have thought that will be helpful for others that might happen to be interested.
I have picked as a subject a car, for the reason that if we look around, almost everybody, when do start 3D modelling, you guessed it... is gonna pick a car as a subject.
By no means I have ever underestimated MoI in any aspect, since I am well aware about its tools and to be honest, I really love it.
I could have picked a much more easier subject, like a WV Beatle for example. But I wanted to push my skills and MoI as much as possible and I have picked this BMW M5; here is the blueprint:

Thanks again.

EDITED: 7 Jul 2008 by BOGDAN