How do you model a car in Moi?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1749.15 In reply to 1749.14 
Hi Steve,

> That is a little concerning to me, as I always prefer to do what I
> want/can in such a 3d program, not what I am told I can do by
> some limitation due to missing tools.

I'm surprised this concerns you - there really isn't any one single program that exists which contains every single possible 3D design and analysis tool combined within it.

All programs are missing tools of one sort or another. If one program works better for a certain particular kind of process or certain kinds of shapes, then it will probably work better to use that program for those particular kinds of things.

That's just a pretty normal process, I mean if you want to hammer in some nails use a hammer for that, not a screw driver or a drill press. Does that mean that a drill press is useless? No, not at all...

- Michael