Need Advice Modeling an Organic Model

 From:  Michael Gibson
1748.22 In reply to 1748.21 
Oops, I didn't see that edited-in later part.

Jesse, you wrote:
> Can it be used to move points as well as scale and rotate?

To move points, you just drag directly on the points same as v1... Are you asking about a certain kind of movement different than that?

> *Could you also explain how scaling the solid object
> rebuilds the amount of control points? It makes a big
> difference in terms of the potential of the object to remain
> smooth and workable, if that makes any sense. -JDK

Scaling a solid actually should not change the number of control points in the surfaces in the solid...

Maybe I'm not quite following what you are referring to here though, could you go into some more detail?

(PS - I'll be out for a couple of days)

- Michael