2 rail fail

 From:  BurrMan
1747.6 In reply to 1747.5 
Help for amateure!

I was looking at the first post in this thread. trying to re-create the rails he used.

to draw these would you do it by using the different viewports "while" drawing?

sorry for the 2d brain. one quick explanation from someone and then I can experiment and figure it out.

The only way I could figure out to draw them was to click in front, move to 3d and go up in z-click, move to top and cross over-click. Does this make sense and am I on the right track? or is there something I should look at as to not develope bad learning?

Thanks for any input,

BTW: I was also trying to create his sweep by creating a second profile and then rotating it to get the twist (a scaling rail to get the shape). I was getting some results but seemed like alot of work to do what he did simply. Michaels solution made it work.

The blob at the top was interesting. I tried to delete some of the points from within MoI and it changed the topology of the top surface. I dont have rhino to do what the suggestion was. is there another generic explanation so I may know how to apply it with some of the other apps I have?

EDITED: 4 Jul 2008 by BURRMAN