Top hat

 From:  Michael Gibson
1730.33 In reply to 1730.32 
Hi Fredrik,

> Scaling rail is neat, I haven't seen this before in other CAD software.

Thanks! :) Yes, as far as I know MoI is the only one that has it.

re: view capture by File / Export - that's definitely a good idea, I have added it to the wishlist. A few questions kind of pop up for it though, like for example Export is actually short for "Export selected", which lets you write out only the selected objects to a geometry-based file. But I guess for saving to an image it would not do just selected objects... that would sort of be mixing the meanings up a bit, but maybe that is not a big deal.

In the meantime, here is a script that you can use to save a screenshot out to an image file by using a shortcut key, without needing to run any other program. To set it up go to Options / Shortcut keys, add in a new entry with whatever key you want to trigger it, and add this in as the Command part:
script:var img = moi.view.screenshot( 'viewpanel', false ); var name = img.getSaveFileName(); if ( name != '' ) name );

- Michael