Bug :: Mirror + BooleanUnion

 From:  Michael Gibson
1726.5 In reply to 1726.1 
Hi Petr, thanks for reporting it, it looks like it has to do with the order the objects are being processed in.

It looks like when trying to union together the 2 "outside" circles that do not intersect first, it is getting confused at that point and not making the proper result, but only when the 2 non-intersecting objects have reversed directions from one another like you will get with a mirror.

When you do 2 intersecting ones manually, or edit the objects in such a way that their internal ordering in the geometry database has changed, then that can make it work since it will process 2 intersecting ones at first instead of 2 non-intersecting ones.

I'll dig into it a bit to see what is involved in fixing it up.

- Michael