Personalization request

 From:  Michael Gibson
1724.6 In reply to 1724.1 
Hi Luca,

> 1) There is a way for not retain the original object after a mirror ?
> (I would lik to have a choise like in the rotate command "Don't make copies")

I want to add an option for that in the future but for now like Petr mentions just hit Delete after doing the Mirror and that should do the trick for now.

> 2) When I create a mirrored object and I rotate or move the original, the
> copy follow that one. How can I remove the link beetween the two
> (something like copy and not instancing)?

Select the new copied object, and then run the Edit/History command, and click the "Disable update" button.

That will turn off history updates for that mirrored copy so changes to the original will not cause a history recalculation and update the copy anymore.

> 3) Stretch will never be a command in moi? I read some old post about
> it, but "hope is the last to die".....

It kind of depends on what you mean exactly by stretching. For example if you want to take an existing rectangle curve and stretch it out to a different shaped rectangle, that is possible to do by using Edit/Show pts to turn on control points, then window select 2 points and drag them over to the side to stretch out the rectangle. That will do what the AutoCAD "stretch" drafting type command will do if that is the type of thing that you are looking for.

> 4) A default setting in moi is select the original after a copy
> operation. There is a way for select always the last copy?

It is possible to set up a keyboard shortcut to select the objects that were created by the last command, would that help?

To do that, go to Options / Shortcut Keys, and add in a new entry with this as the command:
script:var a = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionStart; var b = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd; var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) { var obj = objects.item(i); if ( obj.databaseRevision > a && obj.databaseRevision <= b ) obj.selected = true; }

It is also possible to actually customize how many commands work by modifying the command's script file.

I've attached here a file which has a modified version of the copy command will will shift the selection to the copied objects like I think you are asking about. To install this, unzip it to get the Copy.js file, and copy that over top of the old version inside the \commands subfolder inside of MoI's main installation folder (like c:\Program Files\Moi 1.0\commands). With that update in place, your Copy command should now switch selection to the output objects when it is completed, does that help?

- Michael

Update: fixed mangled script for the "select objects created by last command" script.

Update2: fixed the replacement Copy command as well.