Meshing Question

 From:  Michael Gibson
1723.4 In reply to 1723.3 
Hi isaac, here is an example of some settings that will get a more uniform mesh created across that object:

It's not always totally guaranteed to stop ending edges, but this combination of settings (bring angle looser and drive more off of "Divide larger than") can usually reduce such things by quite a bit.

This still does not automatically guarantee that all the surfaces will have a totally aligned quad structures where they meet at common edges. That's kind of a UV grid synchronization problem that I would like to try and improve in the future though.

A full "all quads only" mesh generation is a pretty difficult thing to do in general because it means tiling areas like holes with a pattern of quads that is not at all aligned to the UV structure of the surface. That's a much different problem than what MoI's current mesher does, it is going to be a while before I can make an attempt to dig into that totally different style of meshing.

- Michael