Hi isaac, there is actually a bug in the way that "avoid smaller than" was being handled for such things, if you send me an e-mail I can send you the patch to fix it up, although it still generally won't work for that purpose you want there, it is more intended to avoid heavy meshing on very small sized details instead of what you are doing there. So you probably don't actually need the patch, just don't use "Avoid smaller than" in this case really at all.
When you get terminating edges, it means that the surface is curving by different amounts.
Normally the meshing is based primarily off of curvature, with the angle parameter. If you want to get more regular meshing instead of curvature-based meshing, you probably should crank the angle parameter to be way looser (like say 30 degrees) and then use the "Divide larger than" setting to primarily drive the division. Since that is distance based it will not be as focused on changes in curvature like you are currently seeing. That will tend to make a much more evenly divided mesh in situations like you are showing.
If you'd like to post the .3dm model file it would probably help to make some more specific recommendations.
- Michael