Does scale matter?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1688.9 In reply to 1688.8 
Hi Danny - that should be ok I would think. You're going to get calculations that keep working until they get to an accuracy of 0.001 mm in that case, which is kind of too accurate - it will tend to cause somewhat larger sized files with more control points in intersection curves than are really necessary.

If you go very much larger than that, then that problem gets to be more and more magnified where things that are fit to tolerance just get to be too dense because 0.001 is too tiny in comparison to the objects being constructed.

I would like to try and tweak this system in the future sometime to be more adaptive to the size of the objects being built, but it is a pretty complex and sensitive area to mess with.

I guess my ideal recommendation for something of that size would be to do it in centimeters and have values that maxed out with numbers like 300 and details at 0.1, that would be somewhat more optimal from a file size / complexity kind of standpoint. But it is not like doing it mm would be a disaster, just something like 20% larger file or something like that maybe.

- Michael