Wild idea for Moi upgrade.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1686.2 In reply to 1686.1 
Hi Brent,

> Perhaps, a programming nightmare?

Unfortunately yes, more along these lines... The underlying methods that MoI uses for constructing objects work really well for things like booleans but not well for squishing things around like goo.

If you want more of a goo-squish type modeling feel you'll have to try out different programs than MoI that are based on other kinds of modeling principles. Like for example Silo (http://silo3d.com), or CB Model Pro (http://www.cbmodelpro.com/) - those are based on technologies that allow for more a more squish around type feel but of course the trade-off is that it is more difficult to build more exact forms over there.

MoI's modeling method is more focused on a kind of illustration or drawing type approach where you draw curves and use those curves to construct surfaces or cut objects to build your shapes.

- Michael