Make Surface

 From:  karter
1665.6 In reply to 1665.5 
Hi Steve,

>> Could you please post your construction to replicate that.

Open the file I attached and try to join the two surfaces on the model in the middle (about origin) ??

>> Bulged corners/surfaces can be a problem, but it is initial from the input. Yes, some software will
>> attempt to compensate, and make attempted correction, but I do not expect that from MoI

Well, in fact MoI's method does in fact make sweet surfaces on the whole.

>> Give me more info on the resulting component needed. Simply showing 3 curves and expecting
>> perfect smooth is difficult.

Nope three curves is all you get to define the shape, you do however get a poetic license to do whatever
you want in between to make the surface as smooth as possible ??? now that beats the Jeep challenge!!

