I know that a very important thing for V2.0 will be object handling....
I think that object history and transforming history is also very important (even more).... I believe that this has to be very much improved....
I am very impressed with what 3dsmax's modifier stack can do... Those of you that have even the slightest experience, I believe you will vote for this.... or something similar.
I believe that almost 30% of our work is to make repeat and correct objects....
Two of the most important things that I would like to see in Moi are....
1. Working history for object transformations, and immediate update... no matter how many commands- transformations have been done since....
2. Copy or make instances or references (this is totally MAX).... Copy = make a new object, instance= make a new object that will change exactly like the prototype and no matter which one I change, everyone will change the same way, reference=make a new object that will change according to the prototype but any new transformations will be applied only to that object and not to all of them.... That means that a new transformation of the prototype won't apply to it.
***Modeling Of Ideas*** |