Drawing on surfaces

 From:  manz
1621.8 In reply to 1621.7 
Hi Michael,

>>It's really easy to tell - it puts up a label on the point that actually says "On srf",

But which surface? front/back/distant. As with current snaps for "On" the side/edge of a cube in a 2d view, sometimes the snap will be on the front line/edge, sometimes on the back.

>>Basically it will only kick in when in v1 you were going to miss all snaps and your point was going down to the construction plane instead.

As with snap "on" a curve, that over-rides the grid snap, will the surface snap do the same?

>>If it does get in the way, there is an easy method to turn it off,

You have mentioned before that you dont want users to have to do that.

- manz