Drawing on surfaces

 From:  Michael Gibson
1621.7 In reply to 1621.5 
Hi Steve,

> Sounds like a nightmare.
> How will you know if you are snapping on a line in front of
> a surface, on a surface, or a line/surface behind a surface.

It's really easy to tell - it puts up a label on the point that actually says "On srf", so if you see "On srf", you've got that snap. If you don't see "On srf", then you don't have it - it's really pretty straightforward.

It also works similar to the "on" snap for curves, it has the lowest priority (even lower than curve "on") and only kicks in if no other snaps were targeted.

Basically it will only kick in when in v1 you were going to miss all snaps and your point was going down to the construction plane instead.

If it does get in the way, there is an easy method to turn it off, there is a new "On surface" checkbox in the list of object snaps on the menu that pops up when you move over the Object Snap button on the bottom toolbar. You can uncheck that to disable if it causes you any problems.

It's brand new but so far it seems to be working a lot more smoothly and easily than I had expected, so nope, not looking like any kind of nightmare so far at least.

- Michael