Hi Steve,
> During a building the other day, I was thinking about an option for
> "project to cplane" or a possible restriction for construction, such
> as omit x/y/z, it could certainly help, what do you think?
That does happen automatically if you're picking in an ortho view, and you have Options / Snaps / Object snap options / Project to plane in ortho views enabled (on by default). It actually projects to a plane parallel to the cplane but going through the first point that you picked.
So the idea for that was to use those ortho views if you wanted to ensure planarity in the thing that you were drawing, but allow more free placement in 3D if you're picking in the 3D view.
But yeah with some new features for drawing on planes in the 3D view it could be nice to have planarity optionally more ensured in there too - while drawing a curve on a face it is pretty easy right now to snap one point of a curve for example to a point on the other side of the box and make a zig-zaggy curve instead of a planar one on a face.
But if I can make object snaps ignore hidden snap points better, that may solve that problem pretty well, so I'm going to take a look at doing that first.
> such as omit x/y/z,
I'm not sure if I follow you on this one - could you describe this part a bit more?
- Michael