Drawing on surfaces

 From:  Michael Gibson
1621.17 In reply to 1621.10 
Hi Steve, today I did some experimentation with making "on" snap and grid snap co-exist better.

One thing I tried was letting grid snap override on snap if your mouse was close to the grid intersection point.

That didn't really work out very well, it did let grid snap work but at a pretty normal zoom level there is always a grid point close to your mouse so it basically has the effect of disabling "on" snap entirely.

What I think I'm going to do is for "on" snap I will only let grid snap override "on" snap if the object snapped on to is a line that is actually running along a grid line.

For "on surface" snap - I will disable "on surface" snap in the ortho views if grid snap is also turned on, and maybe have an option for having it disabled in all views if grid snap is on.

I think those tune-ups will help make things work more smoothly when all kinds of snapping are simultaneously enabled.

I've also made a related tune-up to straight snap - both "on" snap and "on surface" snap will now have a lower priority than straight snap.

- Michael