From:  Michael Gibson
162.47 In reply to 162.46 

> Render in Modo 202.
> Not bad at all, but some missing geometry and artefacts...
> I used the new output file

Hmmm, that is disappointing. I sort of assumed that Modo would be more robust in this area, as best I can tell right now those seem to be bugs in Modo's handling of ngons.

I closely examined the area where you've got a hole near the bottom in your test using the new output, and I just can't see anything wrong with the polygon structure there, it's a pretty simple 5-sided ngon..

But we'll see - maybe I'm putting out duplicate points or something that Modo doesn't like. (Edit: after checking, I can't find anything wrong there).

I've attached a file here that contains just that single 5-sided ngon. Can you please test this with modo and see if it will read it or not?

- Michael
