3D Mirror, possible?

 From:  Michael Gibson
160.4 In reply to 160.3 
> Thanks for the quick reply and taking note of it, even as it were, for down the road.

No problem. One reason why I'm not jumping immediately on it is it raises a few questions that don't seem clear at the moment. Another way to define a mirror plane would be by drawing a line that defined the plane's perpendicular. I was wondering if that would be useful as well. But that's quite a lot of stuff - perpendicular, 3 points, or select planar face... I kind of hestitate to add a bunch of things in when some of them might not be used very often and can be done pretty easily with some combination of existing tools... It can tend to be difficult to remove things once they are added.

> By the way, it seems my suggestion on enhancing the Viewing
> controls in the viewport (post # 135.1) didn't trigger any comments... right?

Yup, sorry about that I was kind of thinking about it a bit and I never got around to answering it. I will take a run at it now though! If I seem to forget about something, please don't hesitate to remind me about it.

- Michael