Hi Michael,
>>it is kind of its own medium which although similar in some ways is not exactly the same as working in clay. I mean after all you normally work on the computer with a mouse and you don't normally work on clay with a mouse.... :)
I disagree, the mouse and the application (MoI) are your tools, of course clay you can use your hands to feel,
but you also have your sculpting tools, in painting you have your brushes (the mouse) and your palette of paint( the software toolset) I think these are very alike it's just that computer art is frowned upon by purist.
I'm sure back in what ever BC (now BCE) someone used a medium for their art piece for the first time and everyone in the art world would of said , WHAT THE ! and down the track is accepted as art.
just my point of view.
mmm.....what shall I sculpt next with MoI ;)