Equal subdivisions with mouse rolling !!

 From:  Michael Gibson
1587.18 In reply to 1587.16 
> With a bit of a struggle I got to get to see that---but what use
> is it?-------How do I retain that in the line?

Hi Brian, it can be useful if you need to draw a new shape that has some of its points arranged at some of those increments.

For example here I used it to draw a second box along the edge of an existing one, that is 1/3 of the length:

Here is another example where I use it with the polyline command to draw a kind of patterned shape with even spacing quickly along the side of an existing shape:

If the shape that you are working on is aligned with and spaced evenly along the grid, then you don't need to use this and can use grid snap instead. It is good to do that when possible.

This div snap can be used when you want to use a drawing tool with a kind of grid type regularity but in a spot that is not aligned (either in direction or spacing) with the regular grid.

One quick note - you don't have to use Div snap if you just want the midpoint between 2 points, that is available as a "mid" snap on a construction line without having to enter any divisions for that one.

- Michael