CAM Software

 From:  manz
1586.27 In reply to 1586.22 
Hi Ed,

You may want to look at Meshcam?

It does have 4 axis (rotary table) and is only $175

There is a 30 day download (fully functional trial).

It is more of a rapid prototype software, but does have pencil (so concave rads can have finish path). I have downloaded to have a play, but no time until later.

There is also a cutter path verification program there (cutviewer) at extra cost, but both together are only $325, so maybe worth a look?(again you can download a full version trial)

- manz


Just noticed there is limitation on the 4th axis (rotary) in that :-

1. The 4th axis must be parallel to the X axis.
2. The program zero must be on the left-hand side of the stock and along the center of rotation.

EDITED: 6 May 2008 by MANZ