Hi there
You know, I think you should really consider porting MoI to Linux and OS X. There's various tools out there that help you make it easy to bring it over like QT (now LGPL FYI), Mono and Python perhaps.
This is your best time to consider this seriously since you just barely started with MoI. If you even have this under consideration, than remember that the more versions and features are added, the more effort it takes to port.
Plus, remember that Linux and Mac OS, especially, are taking off in their respective user bases.
Being one of the first to bring an interesting app to Linux would give you a huge a advantage. You would earn lots more respect and pioneer commercial 3D NURBS modelling in Linux.
Perhaps you could find help from someone who could deal with the *NIX port. Perhaps you could open certain aspects of the development to the community (documentation, localization, etc.)
This are, of course, just ideas from an enthusiast.
As an Industrial Designer who uses Linux, it really saddens me having to go back and forth between Ubuntu and Linux to do my work.
I dream of the day that a Designer can choose Windows, Mac OS or Linux as his/her platform of choice.