>It can do kind of vaguely similar things but not up to the full level of what I need.
>It is the combination of markup + layout + script logic that makes for the best flexibility.
>Here's a quick example of the kind of flexibility that I need to help me work with UI in the most effective way:
Thanks for that detailed explanation. As I said in my above post I'm more interested in MoI than experienced so I hadn't really done enough with the GUI to know much about it other than screenshots and some very limited use. From screenshots and my dim recollection the GUI looked reasonable enough to replicate in QT. From your description I see that things are not as simple as I had believed. I think that a lot of what is going on in MoI's GUI *could* be done in QT but at a greater (and maybe much greater) development cost.
QT now (I think it's new in 4.3 or 4.5) supports a forms based layout that might be closer to what you need it to do but I have zero experience with it yet so I might just be making things up.
Thanks again for the explanation. If I ever do happen upon a solution that looks like maybe it's what you are looking for I'll shoot you a message. Otherwise, best of luck in your investigation of cross platform ways to get your HTML based GUI to happen!
And, for what it's worth, I think MoI looks pretty sweet! Keep up that good work.