Moi & linux

 From:  Michael Gibson
1583.34 In reply to 1583.33 
Hi aurelio,

> i'm not a progammer, and don't know what's all involved when
> porting a program to another platform, but this might be a good
> and quick solution for you: have a look at I've
> been working with them in several projects, they're very flexible
> and good guys.

Thanks for the tip! I'm sure those guys are great, but unfortunately there really isn't a good way for me to just hand the task over completely to another group.

To really do a good job of a port will require changing many of the structures of how MoI works internally.

So in this case, those guys would need to be making all kinds of changes to MoI, and at the same time I am also making changes to MoI to incorporate new features.

That kind of "multiple colliding changes in the same area" tends to create problems and additional work.

So unfortunately it would still require quite a bit of work from me even if I were to hire that group to work on it.

It's a great idea, and thanks for the link, but unfortunately that is not really going to help make it happen for my particular case.

It would help if I wanted to just make a kind of "static" port, that is to make a port that only ports a completely frozen snapshot version of MoI instead of trying to make a new common portable infrastructure. However, having a port of just a snapshot is not very good because it is not maintainable for future versions - each future version where new features are added would require another special port to be done, rather than having a common portable base.

- Michael