""""I think that he had a kind of prototype cooked up initially there to show what was possible, not really a complete working version.
If I understand correctly, he's been working on getting a full ported version for well over a year now and there is still quite a ways to go yet before it is actually finished!
It looks like there are going to be some pretty big problems with the finished port as well since it won't run any existing plugins or even any existing scripts since those are all done in VBScript instead of a cross-platform scripting language...
- Michael""""
Of course! I didn't mean to imply that it was stable. It was just a baby learning to walk. Take two steps, crash and repeat :) Considering their extensive beta periods, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not ready to ship at same time as V5 for Windows... About the scripting, i think I recently saw Dale mention something about adding new languages. But the plugin port is a pretty major issue. I think they plan to fully expose the feature set of Rhino's internal render engine, because they expect no render plugs to be available right away...