Sounds like you're having fun!
I don't really see a difference from what you're planning and say the Fireworks Widget - styled the way you've been talking of course.
I'm not sure what you mean by "click and not drag"? Since these widgets are typically used by dragging on them I'm not sure what this "click" is buying you here? (That "click" is sorta sounding like that "ctrl-T" since you're doing something directly after selecting something - an extra step??)
Are you saying where you click will be the set point for the pivot?
With fireworks, whatever corner you start to drag, >the opposite corner< is considered the pivot or better, anchor for scale (corners) and stretch (sides) operations - can it get any simpler than this??
Only when the ALT key is down during the drag, is the center of the BBox used as the anchor for the scale/stretch...
Once the object is in "transform mode" (after being selected in your case) you're just dragging to perform the operation (the only precursor being first positioning the pivot for a non-BBox centered rotation after selection)...
I would say the pivot is not even needed for the scale/stretch since as in FW, it's immediately moved back to the center anyway.
I guess however the widget doesn't know initially if you're going to scale/stretch or rotate until you start your drag so the pivot has to be shown for initial placement (in the ultimate case of a rotation being performed...)
I'm sure however what you come up with will be cool - I guess once you get some pics up, that'll explain better what you're implementing. :-)