I hope something can be figured out cause I'm of the opinion that an origin is important as well - sometimes you want to quickly stretch an object from its base or orbit an object around some other object or arbitrary point.
Yes I realize that you can use the command tools for that but the goal with this widget is for speed and free form construction and I'm used to a pivot being an option there (I'm a Fireworks and CorelDraw user...)
I can't think of too many more features right now (without looking at other apps I guess) but I'd love for MOI to have some of the best curve drawing and construction tools available!
At one point I was using MOI to create drawings but without being able to color and change line widths, it wasn't quite feasible. I guess this is one reason why I'd love to see the curve booleans so much too...
How far do you plan on taking the curves toolset? "Just enough" in support of object construction or do you plan on MOI being more than a 3D modeler?
In other words, perhaps support a minimal amount of 2D drawing as well?