Laptop purchase advice

 From:  WillBellJr
My only advice is look around the net to see if there are people complaining about video driver updates for the model(s) you're interested in.

I typically try to stick with NVidia for both my desktop and laptops. I have an ASUS G1 and I loved it cause it has a Shader model 3 NVidia Go 7700 w/512Megs but I was having problems in MOI experiencing freezing and program hangs. I recently found an enthusiast site that had drivers for it and so far (fingers crossed) I haven't experience those hangs yet...

I'm almost at the point of saying stay away from laptops when it comes to high-end CAD apps cause usually the OpenGL drivers are lacking and you're stuck depending on manufacturer update schedules (if they even have any!)

The DirectX drivers are usually more on point since most high end "gaming" laptops would be stupid not to have up to date DirectX drivers! But if the majority of your apps are OpenGL (Cinema 4D, Lightwave etc) then like I said, you're stuck!

I think I've seen mention of laptops now with replaceable graphics assemblies? Not too sure about that but if you can swap out the graphics similar to a desktop that would certainly be the way to go but then again I think you'd be at the mercy of the manufacturer UNLESS there is a laptop graphics standard now that I'm not familiar with...

Another issue is the default Vista installations ("You can have any color you want as long as it's BLACK...") - if you can get XP installed, IMO, I'd say grab it - I'm dying to get Vista off my laptop (without any success at the moment...)

Good luck!
