Laptop purchase advice

 From:  Michael Gibson
1539.3 In reply to 1539.1 
Hi JP - that model was definitely a great laptop for its time, but I think that it is about 10 years old or so? That very much predates the time that 3D graphics hardware was generally available on laptop machines - the video system on that laptop (no 3D graphics acceleration available) is the main thing that prevents it from working with MoI.

I'd recommend focusing on 3 pieces of information when you're shopping around:

1 - Age of the system - try to generally stay within models that are not more than 3 years or so old.

2 - Graphics hardware. Basically any type of ATI Radeon or nVidia GeForce graphics systems will work well. If it has "Intel integrated" graphics system, that is not quite as good, however pretty recent versions of these, like GMA 950 (I think that is it) and above do actually work pretty good so it is not really a total deal breaker, but be wary of Intel video sets from systems that are more on the older side.

If the video system says something other than ATI, nVidia, or Intel, then definitely stay away from it.

3 - system RAM. I'd say shoot for a minimum (more is better though) of 512MB for XP systems, and 1GB+ for Vista-based systems. Unlike the video though this part can usually be upgraded.

It's difficult to recommend any particular make or model since there is a really wide range of them that will be fine.

If you find one that you are interested in, please feel free to post the laptop model or specs here and I can try to give you some feedback on it.

- Michael