Hi Luis,
> - How do I group a list of commands that includes elements
> from different commandsets (e.g. line, polyline, curve through
> points, etc.) into a single menu or palette
You'd just gather together the various <moi:CommandButton> tags for each one of those from the SidePane.htm file and put them together - the thing to watch out for is that they must go into a <table> structure similar to how they are currently inside of the regular SidePane.htm - that's because the command set UI (the little sub-menu thing with the individual commands on it) expects to see the command set button to be in a table and adds a new table row above it to hold the individual command buttons.
> also, how can I have CommandMenuButton auto-expand when
> hovering over it instead of showing the clickable arrowhead?
You could do this by adding an onmouseover="" javascript event handler to the button that then called the moi.ui.showMenu() function.
Here's an example file menu button that opens when you just move the mouse over it:
menu="FileMenu.htm" icon="res://fileicon"
onmouseover="if ( this.contains(window.event.fromElement) ) return;
moi.ui.showMenu( 'FileMenu.htm', this, 0, 0 );">
<moi:Text textid="File"/>
> is the flyout window size fixed? resizable after displaying?
The flyout window automatically sizes itself to the content inside of it and it's not really meant to be resized - if you want something with a resizeable border you should use a dialog for that instead of a flyout. But you may be able to get a flyout to resize to changes in the HTML if you call moiWindow.contentChanged() from script inside the flyout.
> Sorry for bothering you so much...just seeing where
> i can improve my workflow...
Just keep in mind that since the UI will be probably changing some more, you will most likely run into problems in future betas if you do these kinds of customizations right now. You may need to redo them later on and you would need to modify them to incorporate new UI that I'm adding in each beta as well.
Early in the beta process is not really a good time to be doing these kinds of extended customizations because of the potential for changes.
- Michael