Another alternative UI

 From:  Luis (LFUNG)
1521.82 In reply to 1521.80 
Thanks Michael,

I took a look around and for the most part I thought it might be a cinch now that you're moving towards using CSS styles. :(

Couple of things I ran into:

1. Seems like the top and bottom panels in the MainWindowLayout.xml only go as far as the edge of the right panel and have a fixed height.
It would be nice to set it up to go all the across and have it sized according to contents.

2. Found a mix of moi specific controls and standard html/js/css going on in the ui, but failed to find a common thread. Maybe i need to spend
more time looking at it. :(


- Is it possible to embed moi-specific controls around standard 'div' elements and use js to control their states? (e.g. position, visibility, etc.)

- Even better yet, is there a way to put the ViewPanel inside a div and have it auto-size via js?

- Would it be possible to create the MainWindowLayout as a standard html file?

This may be the way to start enabling the current ui so that it can be even more extensible and more easily skinnable with hopefully just a few minor tweaks.

Let me know if any or all of these are possible, or there are other ways to go about it...if not then I'll just submit my thoughts as feature requests ;)

Thanks for your prompt response, :)
