Another alternative UI

 From:  Michael Gibson
1521.31 In reply to 1521.29 
Hi Steve, re: floating command options.

I've attached an example here - it is a little fussy to set up.

This has just one CommandUIContainer removed from sidepane.htm (the one with id="CommandUIContainer") and then a CommandOptionsFloating.htm dialog that has the command options inside of it.

There are a couple of styles inside a <style> section at the top of SidePane.htm which need to be brought along, these might have been easy to miss when cutting/pasting stuff to another spot.

Also the dialog won't be happy starting out totally blank, I had to add at least one visible line of text inside of it to get its initial size to work right.

This is still not really very good though - like I mentioned before, you have to open it only once and leave it open. Also many commands will expect to be able to talk to the UI inside of the options area, and if you try to run a command like that before you have opened the dialog, it will put up a script error.

Have you seen the other style full screen method? That's one that goes full screen by temporarily hiding the UI instead of trying to float it in dialog boxes. That's available here: - that method generally fits in better right now.

- Michael