
 From:  Michael Gibson
1481.5 In reply to 1481.3 
Hi Steve, also it would not be difficult to tweak the dialog mode a bit, for example it could be thinned down by shortening some of the names and things can be re-arranged pretty easily into 2 columns if that would be better.

I've attached here a version that does that, it looks like this:

To install this one, unzip the attached ObjectSnapDialog.htm file, copy that to the \ui folder, and then update that shortcut to use this filename instead, then that will show this more compact version instead.

It's pretty straightforward if you look in the file, you can rearrange any of the <moi:MenuItem> tags that you want to move things around. If you edit the file you do need to close and then restart MoI before you will see changes.

- Michael