Easiest renderer?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1476.9 In reply to 1476.8 
Hi yannada, I'm not really planning on special UV unwrapping or editing tools anytime soon.

The main focus for rendering in MoI would be for more product shots kind of stuff, not on like creatures and faces and stuff like that.

Can you maybe give some examples of renders where you needed UV unwrapping to make it work right? That might help me give you some more information.

> Would you say is a NURBS limitation or is has not been explored yet?

It just doesn't really match up well with what a NURBS modeler is usually used for.

Like for instance if you want to render a toaster oven - do you need uv unwrapping for that?

I do want to enable UV nesting for mesh exports though - but that's something different than what I think you're talking about.

- Michael