Easiest renderer?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1476.14 In reply to 1476.12 
Kerky can import any 3D file in OBJ ;) and some other format like sia, kmz, 3ds, xml
It's a "stand alone renderer" Prog
It can just create some basic "primitives" 3D by itself ! Cube, Spheres, Cone, Plan,...etc
It import directly scene from Sketchup 3Dmax Blender by special plug in
But it can also create anything by import file obj ! And then move scale rotate anything
Multi instanciating is also possible! (thousand of the same pieces (useful for grass, trees etc)

And from Moi it accept the 3 variations :Ngones, Quads +triangles, or only triangles !

EDITED: 19 Mar 2008 by PILOU

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