Hi Peter,
> Which leads us to the question ..... will V2 have solutions to mesh export that
> make it easier to carry on in Zbrush ? More subd able meshes ?
So far several people have been using MoI export into Zbrush successfully.
Are you having a problem with your exports currently? If you could post an example I could see what is going wrong in your particular situation.
In general it seems like other people have had the most success with exporting from MoI as an OBJ file using Output: Quads & Triangles. ZBrush does not handle n-gon output quite properly, so make sure to switch that off and you should be fine.
As far as I know typically the mesh that is used in ZBrush is then painted on directly, it usually does not have sub-d applied to it first...
If you want to have a sub-d type smoothing applied to your mesh (which kind of shrinks things down and actually alters the shape of your model), your best bet is to manually create that particular type of mesh in a sub-d modeler instead of in MoI, that is not likely to change in MoI v2.
- Michael