File has no print option?

 From:  ggagnon
1412.4 In reply to 1412.3 
Thank you Phil, PrintScreen works fine I have to try to see if it is possible to preserve scaling; get a 1:1 relationship.

MIchael, this sounds very interesting except the link is broken :(
And I would be hesitant to replace moi_lib.dll 2008-01-18 with an older one.
I have tried associating a Shortcut key P to the suggested script
script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport();
if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }

but it does not seem to work with version 1.0 anyway. Any other way around?

Thank you,