How I do this?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1401.7 In reply to 1401.5 
Hi Nick - you absolutely had the right idea, just there are some tools that kind of bundle some of these operations up for you.

Behind the scenes they will do the same steps that you did though.

Just a couple of quick comments:

> 3. construct>curve>project to project it on the curve
> 4. boolean cut out the petal

The booleans (and also Edit/Trim) know how to do a projection of a planar curve built into them, so it isn't necessary to do the projection as a separate step here, just do the boolean cut of the petal with your original unprojected curve as the cutting object.

> 5. offset the thickness (dont extrude, it wont be a radial calc on the edges).
> 6. lofted the edges.

If you use Shell for this case (it is the 2nd variety under Offset), it will handle the Loft part for you, it basically does the same thing as Offset + Lofting between edges when it is applied to a surface.

But it is actually a good thing to know how to do these steps manually as well.

- Michael