How I do this?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1401.6 In reply to 1401.4 
Hi Rudy, both Brian and Nick's methods are good ways to do it.

One other tool which can work well for this kind of "shape from 2 views" type situation is the boolean intersection command, it kind of bundles up the extrusion + trimming into one operation.

Here are some step-by-step instructions:

To start with I drew a curve in the front view, using Draw curve / Freeform / Control points:

Then select that curve and run Transform/Mirror, picking 2 points on the vertical axis to make a mirrored copy of it. Also draw a line at the bottom, and then select all 3 curve pieces and use Edit/Join to join them together into 1 curve that looks like this:

Now switch to the right-side view and draw the other profile, like this:

Here is a different view of these curves so you can see how they are arranged:

Now to create the surface - select one of these curves, then run Construct / Boolean / Isect (which is short for Intersection), then select the other curve and push Done.

That will basically punch out both of these shapes into a straight extrusion, then intersect them with one another.

It will generate this result:

You can now delete the curves. Then select your new surface and run Construct / Offset / Shell, and put in a distance for the thickness. You can do this by either typing in a number for the thickness, or by picking 2 points in the viewport and the distance between those 2 picked points will be used as the thickness. The shelling will thicken the surface into a solid, giving this as the final result:

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these steps.

> Forum make over is great

Thank you, I'm glad that you like it!

- Michael