Wrinkles in 3ds exports?

 From:  Michael Gibson
1392.2 In reply to 1392.1 
Hi Sheik, that definitely looks odd.

If you could post your .3dm and .3ds file (or send them to me at moi@moi3d.com if you want to keep them private), it could help me figure out what is going on.

Do you have objects with very large coordinates, or very far away from the origin? Things like that could conceivably cause this kind of jiggling around because coordinates like that will lose digits of accuracy due to the way that floating point math works on the computer, especially the "single precision" numbers used in .3ds format.

> Another problem I had was related to scale. When modelling the bridge
> in the actual scale the geometry seems to become heavier than if I do
> it in a “miniature scale” (something that will fit on the visible grid). <...>

This is a problem in general with NURBS modeling - many operations need to be calculated to a tolerance level, and right now in MoI this value is 0.001 units.

If your object is a much larger scale than that, then 0.001 units is way too accurate and will cause extremely dense fitting of intersection curves.

For now in MoI you shouldn't really create your model to be much larger than 10,000 units or so (really in the 1,000 range is better), and also not far away from the origin as well.

I would like to experiment in the future with a kind of adaptive tolerance to make large scale models work better without excessively dense fitting accuracy, but it is a pretty complex thing to nail down very well.

> By the way, it would be very nice to have warnings explaining why
> some operations have failed; “Filet radius is too big for the selected
> radius (at this location)” or “Surfaces around the filet are not joined” etc.

In the future I would like to work on this, it is quite a bit more difficult then it seems though.

- Michael