Wrinkles in 3ds exports?

 From:  Sheik
I created a bridge in Moi, and exported it as 3ds for use in SketchUp. In Moi it looks fine, but in SketchUp I get “wrinkles” in the geometry where it should be smooth. How can I fix this?

Another problem I had was related to scale. When modelling the bridge in the actual scale the geometry seems to become heavier than if I do it in a “miniature scale” (something that will fit on the visible grid). In real scale the Booleans would fail, I was unable to fillet, and lofts had “flaws” (wouldn’t fit the given shape). Should this be happening, or did I miss some settings for use with big models?
By the way, it would be very nice to have warnings explaining why some operations have failed; “Filet radius is too big for the selected radius (at this location)” or “Surfaces around the filet are not joined” etc.
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