Help in making a heart shaped bowl

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1382.16 In reply to 1382.15 
You grasped a concept that my simple brain missed--can I blame it on age?

Michael, as your images show, selecting a plane gives fillets on all edges--which was not as I wanted!

Why not complain/comment before?---when do I know the fault is not mine?

I am reminded of the wow tutes by Thomas about Hexagon, which as far as I can see no-one has yet emulated. (Most "crash"!) As Thomas said, he had a team designing the programme to his ideas!

We all dont have the same thought train or app backgrounds, so some will , naturaly, be slow like me.

However, I make a point (?) that some of the basic MoI concepts may be "un-natural" to some and may need highlighting if they can not be changed in V2.

How do you highlight those "different" things in the, very first, introduction to the app? Now theres a puzzle!
(Hidden in a tute is not sufficient maybe?)