Forum updated

 From:  Michael Gibson
1356.41 In reply to 1356.40 
Hi Pilou,

> Something i don't understand : when you make a little tut for Brian
> there is images inside the text and the same images in thumbnail
> at the end of the post!

This was intentional, because I wanted to show the image inline in my mini tut - in some case like a tutorial it is nice to display the image right directly inside the text, instead of only having it as thumbnails at the very end of all text.

So for that post I used inserted <img> tags just the same as before.

Then the attachments for images now always show up at the end of a post as thumbnails, it doesn't matter if they are used inline in the message or not.

I was thinking it might not be a bad idea to detect if the image was used inline and if so just display it as an old-style plain text link in the attachments section instead of as a thumbnail...

> Seems there is twice different loading?

There is, but the thumbnails are small, it doesn't save a whole lot of load time to skip them. But I'm thinking it may be nice to skip them just because it looks a bit odd to see 2 of the same images displayed.

- Michael