Hi Micha,
> One wish more - could it be possible to create a mesh within
> MOI without export? Since exist a copy&paste conection to
> Rhino, this could be a shortway for the mesh from MOI to Rhino.
I have added this to the wishlist as well. But this one will probably take a while before it becomes possible, supporting a mesh object in MoI brings in quite a bit of baggage with it as far as trying to make all the existing tools work with a new kind of object. Probably the other things will happen before this.
> PS: My problem from last, that the "save menu" need a long
> time to open - we forget to talk about it - was not visible
> anymore. Could be, a shutdown of my machine solved the problem.
Sorry, I didn't quite understand this. I guess you mean that just the display of the File menu was slow, the one that has buttons for "Open", "Save As", "New", "Import", "Export" ?
Did you happen to open a file on a network drive before that?
Sometimes this kind of slowdown can be due to checking if any of the files in the recent file list actually still exist or not. That can sometimes be slow to check on a network drive but I thought that I had some stuff in place to skip that check for network drives...
- Michael