Open the save menu need a long time (large model problem)

 From:  Michael Gibson
1351.6 In reply to 1351.5 
Hi Micha,

> I'm very impressed by the speed of the display mesh creation.

Thanks! The speed of the display mesher is really important for working in a shaded display.

It's actually a key part that makes MoI's fluid operation possible - it is a big interruption if you have to wait too long for display meshes to be recalculated when you edit your model.

> It looks perfect. Could it be possible to export this mesh? I know, it's a
> special fast mesh, but maybe with some little modifications it could be exported.

In the future I should be able to add some way to export this mesh, I've added it to the wiki wishlist (

But there are some messy parts to this mesh - it will tend to be much more dense than the export mesh, and it also has T junctures in it where surfaces join together at common edges. Not actual cracks, but some vertices are snapped on to the edges of neighboring triangles instead of there being a complete vertex-to-vertex alignment for everything. Also it is all triangles, no quads or n-gons.

The export mesher does a bunch of work to make a better quality mesh than this.

- Michael