Open the save menu need a long time (large model problem)

 From:  tyglik
1351.10 In reply to 1351.7 
>>I do expect to do some work in the future to make both the display
>>mesher and export mesher take advantage of multi-core CPUs

IntegrityWare news:

The big news is that we have a new tessellation engine optimized for multi-core processing that will be released this fall as an extension to SOLIDS++. This will be in a product we will probably name EXLib. (short for Extension Library) The new tessellation engine is 3 to 5 times faster than the standard SOLIDS++ tessellator on a single core processor (yes that is 1/3 to 1/5 the time) with a much reduced memory footprint. Dual core processors typically see a 5x to 10x performance gain and Quad Core processors typically see a 10x plus performance gain.