Group entity

 From:  Michael Gibson
1347.6 In reply to 1347.5 
Hi Johny,

> You know the best Michael :)

:) Actually I don't quite know exactly how this will work yet, just some general ideas.

The thing I don't like about traditional Autocad style layers is that since each object can belong to only one layer, it makes restrictions in the way you can organize things.

Like for instance a car - what if you want to have a wheel on a layer called "wheels", but also just the front 2 wheels on another layer called "front of car". This can't be done in a regular layer system, and even a hierarchical system doesn't help out for cases like this.

Also the traditional way has grouping and layering as 2 separate mechanisms that provide similar capabilities for clustering objects, it would be nice if these could be merged into one unified system with just one centralized UI for it instead of multiple UIs.

I'm still not sure of the specific details yet, it will take some time for me to do some careful plans for designing this area, that's why I wasn't able to finish it for version 1.0 .

- Michael